SENTIDO Lanzarote Aequora Suites, Puerto Del Carmen


Ideally located just a short five minute stroll from the beautiful beach of Puerto Del Carmen, the Sentido Lanzarote Aequora Suites offer higher quality accommodation in a quieter part of the town. Make yourself at home in one of the 398 air-conditioned guests rooms that are designed in a contemporary style featuring all the modern conveniences you have come to expect. Private bathrooms come with toiletries, a hairdryer as well as a shower and you will appreciate the TV with satellite channels that is provided for your entertainment. All units open out to a balcony or terrace with sea or garden views and Wi-Fi is also available is you wish to stay connected to all the news back home. The front desk is open around the clock where the multi-lingual staff are on hand to ensure you have all your need during this un-forgettable stay.